Pray Lamentations 3-5

Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or LISTEN to chapters THREE and FIVE before you begin.

Lamentations 3:55     May ______ call on Your name, O Lord, from the depths of the pit.

Lamentations 3:56     May You hear ______’s plea. Do not close Your ears to his/her cry for relief.

Lamentations 3:57     May ______ say of You, “You came near when I called You, and You said, “Do not fear.”

Lamentations 3:58     May ______ say of You, “O Lord, You took up my case; You redeemed my life.”

Lamentations 5:19     May ______ know and believe that “You, O Lord, reign forever; Your throne endures from generation to generation.”

QUESTION: If you were to tell people how the Lord has redeemed your life, what would you say? Write it down and tell someone today!

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