Introduction to Jonah

Coming up next, we will spend three days in the book of Jonah. You are likely very familiar with this amazing account of how God used a whale to swallow Jonah, a rebellious prophet, and then spit Jonah out to accomplish His purpose in drawing the people of Nineveh to repent and trust in Him. Jonah did not want to tell Ninevites about God because He knew they would repent (which they did) and that God, who is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love, (Jonah 4:2), would forgive them and bring redemption rather than punishment — which is exactly what happened (among a few other miraculous things) in this remarkable true story! In fact, if the story of Jonah is a little too unbelievable for you (or someone you know), we encourage you to read THIS article from which speaks to the historical evidence backing up this amazing account.

-Do you need to be reminded of the vastness and sovereignty of our God?

-Do you know of anyone who is running from God or His plan?

-Do you know of anyone who is lost and in need of salvation?

-Have you lost sight of the God who seeks the lost?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, join us in praying through Jonah! Our prayer time will focus on learning more about God and believing in who He is. We will pray for those who, like Jonah, are running from God and for those who, like the Ninevites, are lost and in need of the God who saves.

As you pray through the book of Jonah, we challenge you to read the entire book in one sitting. You will be blown away by God’s power, God’s sovereignty, God’s compassionate love, and God’s heart for every lost soul.

Join us on a three-day journey through Jonah, and invite someone to pray with you!


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