Pray Jonah 3-4

Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or listen to chapters THREE and FOUR before you begin.

Jonah 3:5     “The Ninevites believed God. They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.” May _______ believe You, God, and repent of his/her sins as the Ninevites did when they heard from You.

Jonah 3:8b-9     The king of Nineveh proclaimed to the people, “Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from His fierce anger so that we will not perish.” May ______ call urgently on You, God, giving up any of his/her evil ways.

Jonah 3:10     “When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.” May ______ be willing to repent and turn from his/her evil ways, knowing You are a compassionate God.

Jonah 4:2b     May ______ know that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.

Jonah 4:11     (Jonah was angry for God saving the people of Nineveh.) God said, “But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?” Lord, may ______ know that You, God, love the lost and desire for men to know You. May ______ know that You see every person. May ______ have a heart for the lost.

QUESTION: Do you have a heart for the lost people in your life?


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