Introduction to Jude

Coming up next, we will spend three days in the book of Jude. This book was written by Jude, the half brother of Jesus. Jude’s main point in writing the book was to urge believers to “contend for the faith.” They were to guard the faith – fight for the gospel of Jesus, which had been attacked by false teachers who were living among them. As believers living two thousand years later, our charge remains the same: Contend for the faith!

In what ways are you contending for the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Are you believing or being swayed by any ideas or teachings that go against Jesus’ teachings?

Jude 4 says, “For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” Today, we also are surrounded by teachings that have twisted the gospel of Jesus and completely deny His lordship. We are called to contend for the faith. There are many ways to do this, but perhaps one of the best ways to do this together is through prayer!

Join us on a journey through Jude, and invite others to pray with you!


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