Introduction to Philemon

After we finish the book of Hosea, we will spend two days praying through the book of Philemon. This short book is a letter that Paul wrote to a man named Philemon regarding Onesimus, Philemon’s former slave who stole from him and ran away to Rome where he met Paul and became a follower of Christ. Paul wrote Philemon, a fellow believer, urging him to not only forgive Onisemus but to also treat him as a brother in the Lord, no longer as a slave.

How do you treat the people in your life – your family, your co-workers, your neighbors, your brothers and sisters in Christ? In Jesus, we are all family. To what extent does your treatment of others in your daily life reflect that?

Our prayer time in Philemon will remind us of the important areas in our walk with the Lord – sharing our faith and loving others. We will also focus on a few of the names mentioned in this brief book and ask God for the same character qualities of these men and women to be found in our lives and in the lives of those for whom we are praying.

-How active are you in sharing your faith?
-To what extent does your love give others great joy and encouragement?
-Are you one who refreshes others?
-Is there someone you need to forgive and welcome back into your life?

If you need help to grow in any of these areas, join us on a two-day journey through Philemon, and ask someone to join you!


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