Introduction to Zephaniah

Coming up next, we will spend three days in the Old Testament book of Zephaniah. The prophet Zephaniah wrote this during the reign of King Josiah. It is a book filled with warnings of judgment for the wicked, encouragements and hope for the faithful, and much to say about the coming day of God’s judgment, the Day of the Lord.

Our prayer time will encourage us to walk in humility and repentance before our God and will remind us of who He is:

-He is sovereign over all the nations of the earth.

-He will punish the wicked and redeem the righteous.

-He is mighty to save.

-He delights in us.

-He quiets us with His love.

-He rejoices over us with singing.

-He desires obedience and humility to be displayed in us.

Whether you need to be reminded to walk in humility, obedience, and repentance before God or whether you need to be reminded of how deep is His love for you, so much so that He delights in you and rejoices over you with singing, let the prayers in Zephaniah speak to your heart this week.

Join us on a journey through Zephaniah, and invite someone to join you!


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