Introduction to Philippians

Coming up next, we will spend thirteen days in the book of Philippians. Paul wrote this letter to the church at Philippi during his imprisonment in Rome. Philippians is a familiar book to many Christ followers, and may likely contain one or more of your own favorite verses. We will use our time in this book to look at these familiar passages and ask God to make them true of our lives and the lives of those we are praying for daily.

“To live is Christ and to die is gain” (vs 1:21) is no small statement, and it serves as a reminder for us of what it truly looks like to “join in the partnership of the gospel”(vs 1:5). How can we join Paul as the Philippians did, in the partnership of the gospel? By committing to take action in doing the things that Paul writes about instead of simply reading about them.

What would your life and the lives of those you pray for look like if you committed to:

-Speaking God’s Word more courageously and fearlessly
-Saying and living out, “For me, to live is Christ, to die is gain.”
-Having the same humble attitude as Jesus
-Doing everything without complaining and arguing
-Recognizing that everything is a loss compared to knowing Christ
-Being anxious about nothing and praying about everything
-Experiencing God’s peace that transcends all understanding
-Learning to be content whatever the circumstances

Imagine what could be done to advance the gospel in the lives of those around us if we all did these things! Together, let’s begin by praying and then let’s put these scriptures into action.

Join us on an incredible journey through Philippians, and ask someone to join you!


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