Where we’ve been and where we’re going.

Happy New Year!

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a new year. I wanted to take an opportunity to give you an update on prayscripture.org – where we’ve been and where we’re going.

Almost exactly one year ago, I started praying about starting a blog that would lead people to pray scripture over their children. My husband helped to take that small idea and create a God-sized vision that led to prayscripture.org & a prayer that thousands would pray God’s word together daily. I wish I had time to tell you about all of the small and yet miraculous ways God provided what was needed to start this ministry.

We officially launched the site in May, and just over six months later:

-We have prayed through 10 books of the Bible.
-We gained email subscriber number 1,001 in October.
-People in 85 countries have visited prayScripture.org.
-As you pray each day, people in over 20 countries are praying the same scriptures with you.
(These numbers do not reflect our faithful followers on Facebook and Twitter.)

So, thank YOU for praying, and thank you for sharing with others.

We are beginning 2015 by praying the book of Proverbs. We will stick to the same format and pray through one New Testament book followed by two Old Testament books, with a couple of Psalms in between.

As you begin this new year, I hope you will make praying scripture part of your daily routine. Please keep the prayScripture.org team in your prayers as well as we navigate through God’s Word and any growth opportunities that may come in 2015.

Keep praying, keep sharing, and may God’s blessings be on you and your family this year!

Danielle and the prayScripture.org team



For more ideas of how to use our daily prayers, to Pray by Book, or  subscribe by email, check out www.prayscripture.org.