Pray 1 Chronicles 21-27

Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or listen to chapters  21, 26, and 27 before you begin.

1 Chronicles 21:8     When ______ has sinned against you, may his/her prayer be as David’s was, “I have sinned greatly by doing this. I beg you, take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a very foolish thing.”

1 Chronicles 26:14       May ______ be like Zechariah, a wise counselor.

1 Chronicles 27:32     May _______ be like Jonathan, a man (or woman) of insight.

QUESTION: Is there any area in your life in which you have sinned against the Lord and need to confess as David did above?

SHARE:  Please share today’s prayers from 1 Chronicles 21-27 with someone via email, text, social media, or word of mouth, &  help us create a movement of praying scripture.

1 chronicles

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