Introduction to 3rd John

Up next we will spend two days in the book of 3rd John. Third John was written by the apostle John to a man named Gaius who was being commended for his faithfulness to the truth and his great hospitality to many other believers. In this book, John puts much emphasis on the word truth — God’s truth. He speaks of walking in the truth, having faithfulness to the truth, and working together for the truth.

In addition, our prayer time in 3rd John will focus on walking out the truth as well as loving others in outward, tangible ways. If you have a desire for your children to walk in God’s truth and to love others in tangible ways, the book of 3rd John is a great place to start praying!

Join us on this short yet powerful journey through the book of 3rd John, and ask someone to join you!

3rd John

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