Pray Romans 14

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Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or LISTEN to the chapter before you begin.

Romans 14:8     May ______ say, “If I live, I live to the Lord; and if I die, I die to the Lord. So, whether I live or die, I belong to You, Lord.”

Romans 14:11     May ______ know and believe that “every knee will bow before You and every tongue will confess to You, God.”

Romans 14:12     May ______ know and live in light of the knowledge that he/she will give an account of himself/herself to You, God.

Romans 14:13     May _____ not pass judgment on others. Instead, may ______ make up his/her mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in [another person’s] way.

Romans 14:19     May ______ make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

QUESTION: Are you living your life in light of the knowledge that one day you will give an account of yourself to God? How does this knowledge change your daily life?

SHARE Please share today’s prayers from Romans 14 with someone via email, text, social media, or word of mouth, &  help us create a movement of praying scripture.


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