Introduction to Ezra

Up next, we will spend just one day in the book of Ezra. This book gives a beautiful picture of hope and restoration both for the exiled Israelites and us today. After the Israelites had been held captive in Babylon for seventy years by King Nebuchadnezzar, the Lord moved the heart of Cyrus, the new King of Persia, to send the exiled Israelites back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed.

Scripture tells us several times that the gracious hand of the Lord was on Ezra, a man who devoted himself to the studying, observing, and teaching of God’s law, as well as fasting and going before the Lord in prayer for his people.

Our prayer time will be spent asking for two main things: the Lord’s gracious hand to rest on us as it did on Ezra, and a personal dedication to knowing God’s Word, fasting, and prayer.

Join us on a short but very impactful journey through Ezra, and ask someone to join you!


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