Pray Proverbs 29:1-8

Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or LISTEN to the chapter before you begin.

Proverbs 29:3a     May ______ love wisdom and bring joy to his/her father.

Proverbs 29:6     “An evil man is snared by his own sin, but a righteous one can sing and be glad.” May ______ never be snared by his/her own sin. May ______ be one who because he/she is righteous, can sing and be glad.

Proverbs 29:7     May ______ be one who is righteous and cares about justice for the poor.

Proverbs 29:8b     May ______ be a wise man/woman who turns away anger.

QUESTION: Are you one who is quickly given to anger or who wisely turns it away?


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Pray Scripture, Proverbs

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