Pray Esther

Today we will spend the day in the book of Esther. Take a moment to pray these two scriptures over someone today.  We encourage you to READ ESTHER in its entirety before you begin.

Esther 4:14b     “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” May _______ know and believe that he/she also has been placed in this time and in his/her [position, family, or circumstance] for such a time as this. Give ______ wisdom to know how to best serve You, God, in this time.

Esther 10:3     “Mordecai the Jew was held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.” May ______ be one who works for the good of others and speaks up for the welfare of others.

QUESTION: In what position or circumstance has God placed you for “such a time as this?”

SHARE Please share today’s prayers from Esther with someone via email, text, social media, or word of mouth, &  help us create a movement of praying scripture.



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