Introduction to Esther

Up next, we will spend just one day in the book of Esther. Esther, a Jew, was chosen to be the queen of Xerxes, king of Persia. When Esther heard of an evil plot to destroy her people, she sent word to the Jews to fast and pray on her behalf as she risked her very life by speaking to the king without being summoned into his presence. She was not only given favor by the king to enter his presence, but he also listened to her plea. As a result, the Jewish people were saved! Though we never hear God speak or even hear His name mentioned during this book, His presence, His sovereignty, and His power were continuously and miraculously at work.

God placed Esther in the position of queen for “such as time as this” knowing that He would use her to help rescue His chosen people.

Maybe you are in a season or circumstance in which you also cannot hear God’s voice or discern His direct leading. Be confident in knowing that He has placed you in this space of time, in this season of life, and in your specific sphere of influence to help accomplish His purpose through your life. The same is true of those you pray for regularly. There is much at stake during this particular point in history as we, the church, seek to follow Christ and honor Him with our lives while we hold out the gospel to those who do not know Him.

Let’s seek the Lord together through praying the book of Esther, and ask Him to show us what He is calling us to do in “such a time as this.” We encourage you to join us for a special day of praying (and reading!) the book of Esther!



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