Introduction to Galatians

Coming up next, we will spend 11 days in the book of Galatians. Paul wrote this letter to the churches in Galatia, which consisted of both Jews and Gentiles, to strongly condemn what he calls a “false gospel” — one of faith plus works leading to justification. Paul continuously points out that it is by faith in Jesus alone that one is justified before God, not by keeping the Mosaic law, which is what some of the Judaizers were teaching. True faith in Christ should produce works that are evident in the lives of believers, but those works do not earn salvation. Only Jesus’ perfect and finished work on the cross justifies believers before an Almighty God.

The message of “Jesus plus something else” is still a trap many can fall into today. Jesus plus anything results in what Paul calls the “false gospel.” Jesus alone is the way to the Father. Jesus alone justifies. And even more good news, Jesus sets us free!

We are set free from the penalty of sin, the captivity of its hold on our lives, and we are free to love God and live for Him by the power of His Holy Spirit.

-Have you put your faith in Jesus alone and His finished work on the cross for your salvation or are you striving to earn God’s favor through external deeds?

-Are you living a life that bows down to the desires of your flesh or one that is in step with the Holy Spirit?

-Are there areas in your life where you are living in captivity when Jesus has called you to be free?

Our prayer time in Galatians will remind us of what Jesus has done on the cross and call us to rejoice! It will remind us that we have been crucified with Christ and are called to live by the Spirit. And it will remind us that we are called to live by faith, loving God and loving people.

Join us on a journey through Galatians, and invite someone to pray with you!


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