Pray Isaiah 1-2

Today we begin our journey through the book of Isaiah! Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or listen to chapters 1 and 2 before you begin.

Isaiah 1:16b-17     May ______ stop doing wrong and learn to do right. May ______ seek justice and encourage the oppressed. May ______ defend the cause of the fatherless and plead the case of the widow.

Isaiah 1:18     May ______ know and believe that “though his/her sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

Isaiah 1:28b     “Those who forsake the Lord will perish.” May ______ never forsake You, Lord.

Isaiah 2:5b     May ______ walk in your light, Lord.

QUESTION: Praise God today that though your sins are like scarlet, God, through his Son, Jesus, has made you white as snow! Who in your life needs to hear that this truth is also possible for him/her today?

SHARE Please share today’s prayers from Isaiah with someone via email, text, social media, or word of mouth, &  help us create a movement of praying scripture.


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