Pray Deuteronomy 11 & 12

Take a moment to pray these scriptures over someone today.  You may want to READ or listen to chapters 11 and 12 before you begin. 

(When you see the words “commands,” “laws,” and “decrees,” remember that this text was spoken to the Israelites regarding specific commands for them. We pray this regarding the commands God has given us in His complete Word.)

Deuteronomy 11:1     May ______ love You, Lord God, and keep Your commands always.

Deuteronomy 11:18     May ______ fix Your words in his/her heart and mind, tie them as symbols on his/her hand and bind them on his/her forehead.

Deuteronomy 12:28     May ______ do what is good and right in Your eyes, Lord.

QUESTION: What are some ways that you fix God’s word on your heart and mind? Do you have any creative ways you surround yourself with scripture? Leave us a comment!

How do surround yourself with God’s Word so that it is fixed on your heart and mind? #Deuteronomy Click To Tweet

SHARE:  Please share today’s prayers from Deuteronomy 11 and 12 with someone via email, text, social media, or word of mouth, &  help us create a movement of praying scripture.


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One Response to “Pray Deuteronomy 11 & 12”

  1. Leslie March 16, 2015 at 6:11 am #

    Putting scripture on my children’s bathroom mirror helps start and end their day looking at God’s Word as well as memorizing it into their hearts.